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Persons with disability


Auxiliary Social Services to Persons with Disabilities


Description: As a part of Auxiliary Social Services and in support to the Magna Carta for Persons with Disabilities the DSWD through our Field Offices provides augmentation support under the Persons with Disability budget in assistive devices, medical assistance, Educational assistance, Burial Assistance and Livelihood Assistance for Persons with Disabilities specifically with those Physical Disabilities, Visual Disability and Learners with Disabilities. In doing this, the Department’s aim is to contribute to the Physical Restoration, self, and social enhancement of Persons with Disabilities to attain more meaningful and contributing members of society. 

  1. Medical Certificate (Indicating the specific assistive devices needed)
  2. Barangay Certificate of Indigency 
  3. Social Case Study Report/ Case Summary
  4. 2×2 Picture or 1 whole body picture 
  5. Request letter

Filipino Children and Persons with Disabilities

Provision of Assistance to Clients of the Vocational Rehabilitation Centers


Procedure on the management of clients’ cases and provision of assistance to clients of 

Vocational Rehabilitation Centers managed by DSWD Field Offices i.e. National/ Area 

Vocational Rehabilitation Centers and Center for the Handicapped.

  • Referral Letter
  • Social Case Study Report
  • Medical Clearance
  • Court Order
  • Barangay Clearance/Certificate
  • Other pertinent documents per CRCF manual

Field Offices Center Facilities