cash relief assistance

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Implementation of the Assistance to Individuals In Crisis Situation Program for Individual Clients Transacting within the DSWD Offices (CIU/CIS/SWAD OFFICES)

AICS serves as a social safety net or stop-gap measure to support the recovery of individuals and families identified to be suffering from any adversity or crisis through the provision of financial assistance, psychosocial intervention, and referral services that will enable the clients to meet their basic needs in the form of food, transportation, medical, educational, material, funeral, and cash assistance for other support services, among others.

The provision of psychosocial support, including psychological first aid, and counseling, as well as financial assistance to disadvantaged and marginalized sectors, are part of the social protection services of the Department. These protective services aim to help individuals and families to cope with the present difficult situation they are experiencing, such as illness, death, loss of job, or source of income.  In order to effectively and efficiently respond to existing and emerging crisis situations among vulnerable sectors, a Citizens Charter was crafted to provide a comprehensive guide on the provision of the aforementioned assistance.

Office or Division:

Crisis Intervention Division



Type of Transaction:

G2C- Government to Citizen

Who may avail:

Indigent, marginalized, and vulnerable/disadvantaged individuals and families or are otherwise in crisis situation based on the assessment of the Social Worker 



One (1) valid identification card of the client/ person to be interviewed; 

(2 Photo copy)

Preferably issued by any government agencies such as but not limited to: 

  • Philippine Statistics Authority (PhilSys ID)
  • Social Security System/Government Service Insurance System (UMID ID, SSS/GSIS ID)
  • Philhealth (Philhealth ID)
  • Land Transportation Office (Driver’s License) 
  • Professional Regulation Commission (PRC ID)
  • Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA ID)
  • Department of Labor and Employment (iDOLE)
  • Pag-IBIG Fund (PAG-IBIG ID)
  • Commission on Election (Voter’s ID or Voter’s Certification)
  • Post Office (Postal ID)
  • Department of Foreign Affairs (Philippine Passport)
  • National Bureau of Investigation (NBI Clearance)
  • Department of Social Welfare and Development (4Ps ID)
  • Local Government Unit
  • PWD ID
  • Solo Parent ID
  • City/Municipal ID
  • Barangay ID
  • Office of Senior Citizen Affairs (OSCA ID)
  • Police Clearance
  • or any ID preferably with validity date, and picture and signature of the client.

Signed Authorization Letter (if applicable)

Beneficiary of Assistance except for those who do not have the capacity to act or below 18 years old


Depending on the circumstances:

  1. For Fire Victims: Police Report/ Bureau of Fire Protection Report from the Bureau of Fire

  1. For Distressed OFs: Passport, Travel Document/s, certification from OWWA or the Barangay
  1. For Rescued Client: Certification from a social worker or Case manager from rescued clients.

  1. For victims of Online Sexual Exploitation: Police Blotter and social worker’s certification for the victims of online sexual exploitation of children

  1. For Locally stranded individuals (LSI):  LSI without valid IDs, the Medical Certificate or the Travel Authority issued by the Philippine National Police will suffice and be accepted to prove his/her identity.

(1 Photo copy)

Bureau of Fire/PNP

Overseas Workers Welfare Administration/Department of Migrant Workers/ Barangay

Local Social Welfare and Development Office or other social welfare agencies

Local Social Welfare and Development Office or other social welfare agencies

Police Station –Police Blotter

Hospital/Clinic – Medical Certificate signed by the Registered Physician  

For all other incidents:


Barangay Certificate of Residency or Certificate of Indigency or Certificate of the Client is in Need of Assistance as well as other documents from legal authorities/regulating agencies, as may be applicable such as but not limited to Police Report/Blotter, Spot report from the AFP or PNP, Joint AFP-PNP Intelligence Committee (JAPIC) certificate, Certification of death, Disaster Assistance Family Access Card (DAFAC); Medico-legal certification

(Original / Certified true copy)

    • Barangay Hall where the client is presently residing
    • Police Station
  • AFP or PNP
  • Office of Civil Registry
  • Certificate from the LDRMO; or 
  • Local Government Unit
  • Hospital or Clinic signed by Licensed Physician








1.1 Secure a queuing number.

1.1.1 Provide Client with queuing number.


10 Minutes

DSWD Personnel

(Administrative Staff)

1.2 Present pertinent Document

1.2.1 DSWD personnel will check the validity, and completeness of required documents presented by the client.


20 Minutes

DSWD Personnel

1.2.2 Check the client’s record to the Crisis Intervention Monitoring System (CrIMS)


20 Minutes

DSWD Personnel

1.2.3 If documents are complete and valid, and right frequency of availment, the client will be advised to proceed to step 2 and submit documents pertinent to their request. If not, the client will be advise to comply with the needed documents or be rescheduled to the date wherein the proper frequency of availment will be met


10 Minutes

DSWD Personnel


Submit pertinent documents for Interview and Assessment 

2.1 The DSWD Social Welfare Officer (SWO) shall interview, assess the documentary requirements presented, and Fill out the information in the General Intake Sheet (GIS) and the Certificate of Eligibility (CE). 


40 Minutes


2.2 The DSWD Social Welfare Officer (SWO) shall determine the eligibility of the client to receive assistance, and recommend the appropriate assistance. 

If found to be ineligible for the services under the program, the client will be formally informed of the reason of ineligibility and henceforth be declined and provided with a letter of disqualification to receive assistance.


40 Minutes


Advise the client to Proceed to Step 3 and wait to be called for the release of assistance.


40 Minutes


Forward the Client’s Document to the Authorized Approving Officer.


40 Minutes

Authorized official/s

Approve the Social Worker’s recommendation if found reasonable and with complete and valid documents.


40 Minutes

Authorized Approving Officer

Scan the client’s approved documents for filing, and forward to Step 3 for releasing of assistance.


30 Minutes

DSWD Personnel


Receive Assistance

Check the Client’s Identity


15 Minutes

SDO/RDO/DSWD personnel

Release the Assistance.


15 Minutes

SDO/RDO/DSWD personnel


Fill out client satisfaction measurement survey

Receive the client satisfaction survey


20 Minutes

Administrative personnel



5 Hour, 40 Minutes for Cash Out Right 

1 Day or 24 Hours for Guarantee Letter